Wednesday 28 October 2015

Concept development

I rethought the beginning of my storyline again because I didn't think the idea I had was engaging enough. 
  • I could introduce Trayvon's character by showing him at the park with a friend, as this is what happened the night before he was killed.
  • The night he was killed, Trayvon went to the shop 7/11 and bought Skittles and Arizona. Unfortunately he never made it home. I could show his journey home which would build suspense.
  • Trayvon often volunteered at a concession stand in Foranzo Park. I could show him doing this in order to show the audience that he was a good character. This would make it more emotive when he eventually is murdered.
  • Trayvon had a keen interest in aviation, so I could show him daydreaming about his future life as a pilot.
  • Alternatively, I could create a flash forward to different events in his life 
I think my last idea is the strongest because the audience will be able to gain a connection to his character. 

I drew out a couple of sketches of Trayvon as an adult and a late teenager.

I also started to draw out my storyboard. I changed around the order I wanted it quite a lot so it was handy to visualise the story on different pieces of paper.

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